Chen Yang

Table of Contents for MDX with Next.js

I use Next.js & MDX for my personal website and some documents, I want to display a "table of contents", a list of headings, for each article.

I've tried the plugin remark-toc but it's too complex (for me). I spend hours still couldn't make the toc work... So, I tried to write it by myself.

Get The List of Headings

Here's the code for getting the list of headings:

// ./components/PostLayout.js

import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import { MDXProvider } from '@mdx-js/react';

import MDXComponents from './MDXComponents';

const PostLayout = ({ children }) => {
  const contentString = renderToString(children);

  const getHeadings = (source) => {
    const regex = /<h2>(.*?)<\/h2>/g;

    if (source.match(regex)) {
      return source.match(regex).map((heading) => {
        const headingText = heading.replace('<h2>', '').replace('</h2>', '');

        const link = '#' + headingText.replace(/ /g, '_').toLowerCase();

        return {
          text: headingText,

    return [];

  const headings = getHeadings(contentString);

  return (
      {/* ... */}

      {headings.length > 0 ? (
          { => (
            <li key={heading.text}>
              <a href={}>{heading.text}</a>
      ) : null}

      <MDXProvider components={MDXComponents}>

Add IDs to Headings

I use the MDXProvider to render the Markdown content, then customize the components in a separated file.

Here's the customized h2:

// ./components/MDXComponents.js

const Heading2 = ({ children }) => {
  const idText = children.replace(/ /g, '_').toLowerCase();

  return <h2 id={idText}>{children}</h2>;

const MDXComponents = {
  h2: Heading2,
  // ...

export default MDXComponents;

Now, everything works as I expected. I made a Next.js & MDX starter, click here to visit the repo could find the whole code.